Who is the service provider?

When you sign up as a service provider, your profile will list you as someone providing a specific service, and customers will be able to search and “book” you for a service.


What if I don’t see a category that best suits the service I am providing? (For service providers)

UGUD is essentially designed for almost any service to be provided. If you don’t see a category that best suits you or your service, simply choose “miscellaneous” as your category.

Who is the cutomer?

When you sign up as a customer, your profile will allow you to search and book service providers.


What are the listed categories for?

The service provider(s) will choose a category that most precisely covers the area(s) that best suits their provided service. The service provider will be listed under this specific category, which then the customer can search for a desired service or provider. The categories are listed as Food, Beauty / Personal Care, Auto, Education, Transportation / Delivery, Home care indoor / outdoor, Child related, Miscellaneous

Can I sign up as both a customer and service provider?

You may use UGUD as both a service provider, and a customer; however, two separate profiles will need to be created, along with two separate emails.


Can I change my location?

Yes, both service providers and customers may change/update their address (location) at any time.

What if no one is available in my area? (For customers)

Please, make certain that the address of your location is updated, as well as the mile radius of your service provider search. If there is no one available, please refresh at a later time. If there is still no one available, there may not be any service providers available at the time in your area.


What does my rating mean?

Your rating is important, especially for service providers. It represents you and your services. The higher your rating as a provider, the more likely you will be chosen for a service. The higher your rating as a customer, the more likely a service provider will enjoy working with you.


Cancellation Fee for Booked Jobs

UGUD App is built on trust between you the Client and the Service Provider who commits their time to serve you. To ensure a smooth transaction between both parties, Client will be charged a 10% cancellation fee for started job or a no-show.


What if I am dissatisfied with my service?

Both the customer and service provider must agree that the service is completed. Please carefully book your service with discretion. If you are “dissatisfied” with your service, UGUD is NOT responsible. If a service provider goes against the terms and conditions, and it can be proved, then further measures will be taken to help ensure the customer receives fair satisfaction.


Is my personal information safe?

After a profile is created, eventually you will receive an email from UGUD asking to “verify yourself.” Each service provider will have to provide a copy of their State ID/Drivers License, with a matching name to the card listed on file. This ensures to some level, the integrity of the service provider and customer.

How can I rate others?

After a job is completed, and both parties agree to the completed service, the customer and service provider will be able to rate and comment on the service and experience or each other.


What Services can I book or offer?

Providers can offer a variety of services based on their specialties. Here are some examples to give you an idea, this list is not inclusive.

Food: Catering, Baking, personal chef

Beauty / Personal Care: hair stylist, barber, manicure

Auto: Detailing, car wash, maintenance, repair, towing

Education: tutoring, exam prep, language learning

Transportation / Delivery: Food delivery, moving bulky and large items, courier services

Home care indoor / outdoor: electric, plumbing, handy man, painting, landscaping, snow removal

Child related: baby sitting, home schooling, daycare

Miscellaneous: any other category such as coaching, mentoring, job interview preparation, resume review, etc…

What is the green/red toggle button? (Visible on service provider side)

This on/off toggle button will allow customers to see when you are available to provide a service. If you are toggled “on”, customers can than search and book you. If you are toggled “off”, no customer will be able to search you, nor will your profile be visible.


UGUD Service Fees

Vendors using the UGUD app are charged a low 15% fees for every successfully completed job. If a client is a no-show or cancels a confirmed job, the vendor will be paid a 10% compensation fee. 

Aside from the job bid, Clients do not pay any additional fees.